Broome County Executive Jason Garnar Provides Updates on COVID-19, Discusses Creation of Response, Recovery and Resiliency Task Force

(TOWN OF DICKINSON, NY) On Monday, Broome County Executive Jason Garnar was joined by Stacey Duncan, Executive Director of the The Agency and President and CEO of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce, to announce the creation of the COVID-19 Response, Recovery and Resiliency Task Force.

The task force will convene weekly to address immediate, short- and long-term impacts of the pandemic on our local economy and the business community. The group will focus on three topics: economic and financial continuity, workforce retention and attraction, and tourism and quality of life.

“Our local economy is under significant stress, and it is crucial that we act now to provide real relief to businesses. I am excited to see the Leadership Alliance taking a proactive approach in creating this task force,” said County Executive Garnar.

“These are unprecedented and trying times for our local workforce and employers,” said Legislature Chairman Daniel J. Reynolds. “Now, more than ever, we need to join together to help local businesses and their employees weather this storm. This partnership between Broome County, the Chamber of Commerce, The Agency and other community representatives will help provide necessary collaboration and resources to assist our business community in creating a pathway to recovery. Our area has faced significant challenges in the past and has come together to overcome them. By working together now, we'll overcome these serious challenges as well."

“The Leadership Alliance is ready to lead a collaborative response, recovery and resiliency team,” said Duncan. “In order to regain the positive economic momentum we were experiencing prior to this crisis, it is imperative that all community stakeholders work together to support our businesses, large and small, as well as our vitally important non-profits. We will focus our days ahead on assisting the most vulnerable organizations while planting the seeds for a long-term economic resiliency strategy.”

“We will get through this difficult time by working together and availing our community to every possible resource to respond and recover,” said John Bernardo, Chairman of The Agency’s Board of Directors. “Our economy was strong prior to this and we can rebound by regular communication and coordination with our community partners.”

“We have been through challenging times before, but the pace at which this crisis has impacted businesses is unprecedented,” said Peter Newman, Chairman of the Chamber’s Board of Directors. “We formed the Leadership Alliance to lead a powerful economic voice and vision for our community and will respond to the immediate and long-term needs of our businesses and non-profits. I believe we can become stronger from this.”

On Monday, County Executive Garnar also announced the County has secured additional COVID-19 testing resources.

“Our hospitals are going to be able to test more,” said County Executive Garnar. “Our goal is to make sure that everyone who needs to be tested can get tested. While we are not there yet, we are moving in the right direction.”

For updated information about the number of positive cases in Broome County, please visit

Broome County officials remind you to stay home, avoid contact with others, and if you feel sick and do not need immediate assistance, please contact your healthcare provider via phone or virtual health with questions prior to heading to the emergency room. 

Publish Date
April 6, 2020