
Friable: (Asbestos containing materials that can be easily crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder)

Broome County Landfill
286 Knapp Rd., Binghamton, NY
Mon-Fri 7:00am-2:45pm
Sat 7:00am-11:45am. 
Call 607.763.4434 for more information.
Cost: $100/ton. 

Please note: Must have landfill approval prior to bringing in material and must be prepared properly.

Non-Friable: (Roofing shingles, siding, floor and ceiling tiles)
Broome County Landfill
286 Knapp Rd., Binghamton, NY
Mon-Fri 7:00am-2:45pm
Sat 7:00am-11:45am. 
Call 607.763.4434 for more information.
Cost: $45/ton.

Please note: Keep separate from other waste; Notify Scale Operator.