Climate Smart Communities

Broome County has long been a leader in sustainability initiatives, making strides in the areas of energy efficiency, flood resiliency, waste management, local agriculture and more. To document the County's commitment to these efforts, Broome County passed the Climate Smart Communities pledge in June of 2019. 

As a result of this commitment, Broome County has completed enough actions under the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's Climate Smart Communities Program to become a bronze certified Climate Smart Community. The County was certified as a bronze level Climate Smart Community in 2019 and is working towards recertification of our bronze level in 2024. 

Climate Smart Communities Task Force

The Climate Smart Communities Task Force serves as a central body of leadership that promotes and supports the local government to accomplish plans, programs, and activities that are part of the Climate Smart Communities Certification program. The County Executive has named the Broome County Environmental Management Council as the Broome County Climate Smart Communities Task Force. More information about the EMC and associated activities can be found on their webpage

Climate Smart Communities Coordinator

The Climate Smart Communities Coordinator serves as a point of contact for the Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program and facilitates project implementation. The Broome County Planning Department houses the Planner that serves as the CSC Coordinator. Contact information is listed below.

Aimee Dailey, Senior Planner
Broome County Planning Department
60 Hawley Street, PO Box 1766
Binghamton, New York 13902
Phone: (607)778-2114

Public Participation

Meetings of the EMC are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in becoming involved in the Climate Smart Communities initiatives, you can attend any of the meetings. 

You can contact the EMC's Coordinator to be added to the EMC email list. 

Broome County Actions

As a Climate Smart Community, Broome County has committed to completing actions under 12 pledge elements of the CSC Program. You can find more information on these certification actions at the New York State Climate Smart Communities page. Broome County has made strides in several areas including energy efficiency, flood resiliency, waste management and local agriculture among others.

To see what Broome County accomplished in 2019 in order to become Bronze Certified, check out our CSC Report.

Climate Smart Resources


There are lots of great ways that residents can be climate smart and reduce their carbon footprint. These can include enhancing your home's energy efficiency, using renewable energy options, moving toward a healthy vegetarian diet, and utilizing clean transportation options, such as electric vehicles. Check out the links below to get more ideas and information about being more climate smart in your everyday life.

8 Ways to Lower Your Carbon Footprint (great info for individuals and businesses)


Instituting green policies at your business is a great way to be climate smart, but also can help your business improve efficiencies and be on the cutting edge of innovation. The NYSDEC has some great resources for "Greening your business". Get started here: