Broome County Announces Record Amount of Roadwork for Fourth Consecutive Year

(BROOME COUNTY, NY) – For the fourth summer in a row, Broome County will be conducting a record amount of roadwork. County Executive Jason Garnar joined Deputy Commissioner of Public Works Chet Kupiec Thursday to detail the Highway Division’s 2024 roadwork schedule.

“Making sure we fix our roads and bridges is a top priority for Broome County,” said Garnar. “Three years ago, our Highway Division repaired a record number of miles of road; we topped that number the last two years and for a fourth-straight year more roadways will be fixed than ever before. Crews are working hard to make the drive better for everyone driving on Broome County roads.”

The 2024 highway reconstruction and rehabilitation plan include more than 38 projects. 48.50 miles of roads will be milled and paved, while another 35.50 miles are scheduled to be sealed; a record total of more than 84 miles of roadways. Last year, 83 miles of Broome County roads were fixed; in 2022, 72 miles were repaired and in 2021, 63 miles were repaired. Weekly roadwork updates will be provided to help drivers plan their commute.

Motorists are reminded to use caution in work zones, even when they are not active as some routes may be modified as construction progresses. Slowing down is always the most effective way to keep yourself and workers safe. You may also want to give yourself extra time during commutes to accommodate for any detours or changes in traffic patterns.

Publish Date
May 16, 2024