
Upcoming Training: 

Identifying and Responding to Stalking

register for this free event- please visit

The SAYIT Committee of the Family Violence Prevention Council is excited to announce a training done in partnership with SPARC and Binghamton University.

SPARC, Stalking Prevention Awareness and Resource Center, will host an all-day training on May 9th 2024 at the Decker Room in the Broome County Public Library.

Stalking is a prevalent, dangerous, and often misunderstood crime. This seminar session explores the dynamics of stalking, focusing on the highly contextual nature of the crime by discussing common tactics used by perpetrators, stalking’s co-occurrence with domestic violence, the use of technology to stalk, the use of risk assessments in stalking cases, as well as tools to plan for victim safety and hold offenders accountable.

The program is approved for 6.0 NYS CE contact hours for licensed social workers.

Binghamton University - SUNY, Social Work Department SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0143.

Feel free to share this event in your professional communities. Space is limited to 75 participants. 



Two of our most important goals are professional education and community education. To achieve these goals, the Community Education, Professional Education, and Elder Abuse Prevention committees work to put together trainings and events based on community feedback! 


Elder Abuse Prevention

Spring Event 2021:  This event is geared towards professionals and covers changes to the Power of Attorney laws, an overview of Adult Protective Services, and "Age Friendly" practices. 


Professional Education

Taking the Scary Out of Safety- A Town Hall Event: This event took place live on our Facebook page! Local service providers discussed services their agencies provide that can sometimes be intimidating to access.

Continuing the Conversation- Domestic Violence in Immigrant Households: Our committee partnered with RISE-NY and ACA to deliver this session on the unique challenges faced by victims and survivors of domestic violence when their immigration status comes into play. This session covers relationship dynamics in a culturally sensitive lens, current resources, and law protecting victims and survivors. 

Discussing Domestic Violence in Broome County- A Town Hall Event: A year into the COVID-19 pandemic had our committee searching for a unique way to provide information and answer questions. This forum is a much more casual way to have the conversation about domestic violence in our community and how people can access help. 

The Passage of Time:  Access Passcode: nXa=m32C

This presentation will give professionals the knowledge to explain the criminal justice process to victims of violent crimes, specifically the time lines they can anticipate while moving through the process. Advocates will also be included to share how their involvement can support victims on their path to healing. This training is a response to recent events in our community; our committee understands that through education we can empower local professionals to inform victims, ally’s, and survivors of the accurate process of our criminal justice system, allowing us all to support one another in the most positive way possible.